
International Marketing




Within this course, students will study and gain the necessary knowledge and strategic patterns that businesses use to achieve success in a global market environment.

Course Description:

In defining international marketing, Philip Kotler, the author of Marketing Insights From A to Z… states that it’s a “business without borders” that enables the “best growth paths for a business.” According to the author, the best benefit to marketing internationally is in helping a company to diversify their risks by creating products and services that mature at home and that are growing abroad.

Within this course, students will study and gain the necessary knowledge and strategic patterns that businesses use to achieve success in a global market environment.


Lesson 1 Managing a Global Economy
Lesson 1 Quiz
Lesson 2 Country Mangers Abroad
Lesson2 Quiz
Lesson 3 Challenging Global Markets
Lesson 3 Quiz
Lesson 4 The Government & The Global Environment
Lesson 4 Quiz
Lesson 5 The Local Environment Phase III
Lesson 5 Quiz
Lesson Review
Lesson 6 Customer Sensitivity, Convenience and Service
Lesson 6 Quiz
Lesson 7 Product Inception & Development
Lesson 7 Quiz
Lesson 8 Place & Promotion
Lesson 8 Quiz
Lesson 9 The Age Of Access Phase I The Next Capitalist Frontier
Lesson 9 Lesson 9 Quiz
Lesson 10 The Age Of Access Phase II Enclosing the Cultural Commons
Lesson 10 Quiz

Final Exam


Kotler, Philip (2003). Marketing Insights From A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs To Know. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
    Rifkin, Jeremy (2000). The Age of Access:
The New Culture of Hypercapitalism Where All of Life is a Paid-For Experience.
New York, NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putman and Penguin

If you want to take the course please click the following link containing the lessons to complete the course. click here


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